Join us
We welcome new members. Join us to receive our newsletters and to support the work of the NZ Botanical Society.

Membership Rates
- Standard hard copy subscription: $33 (reducible to $30 if paid by 31st Jan for that year)
- Standard digital subscription (no hard copy): $23 (reducible to $20 if paid by 31st Jan for that year)
- Student hard copy subscription: $23 (reducible to $20 if paid by 31st Jan for that year)
- Student digital subscription (no hard copy): $13 (reducible to $10 if paid by 31st Jan for that year)
Online Form
- Please complete the form below (so we have your correct contact
details), and pay your remittance by electronic bill payment to
BNZ Bank Account: 020192 028 1686 00.
Don’t forget to add your name with the bank payment. - Alternatively, please ask if you would prefer an invoice sent to you.
- Note that we do not have credit card facilities and payment by cheque is no longer an option in New Zealand.
- Membership is renewed annually.