Allan Mere Award for 1993:
Dr Elizabeth Edgar (1929–2019)

Elizabeth Edgar, Allan Mere recipient.
Left: staff photo from Botany Division, DSIR.
Right: photo taken at joint birthday celebration with Brian Molloy
on 12 Aug 2010.
Photos: © Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research.
“Dr Edgar joined DSIR in 1953 and has been on
the staff of Botany Division since 1959. Regarded as New Zealand’s
most experienced monocot taxonomist, she has always generously
assisted others. Dr Edgar co-authored Volume II of the Flora of
New Zealand series with Dr Lucy Moore, and Volume III with Mr
Arthur Healy. She has also completed most of the work for work for
Volume V.”
Citation reproduced from the Allan Mere awards book.
The 1988–1990 DSIR Botany Division Triennial report (p. 70) records that Elizabeth Edgar received the Allan Mere on her retirement in Nov 1988. This year differs from that stated in the awards book (1993).