This section contains an archive of the New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter
- Our first issue was published in August 1985
- Issues have been published quarterly since 1986
- Newsletters in this archive are in PDF format
- Back issue orders of the hardcopies are also available
- Upload of the latest issues are held back for one year or more –
Join us to subscribe to the latest hardcopies and to become a member

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3. Search Index
Search the PDF of the New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter index (current up to March 2003)
Our newsletter publishes contributions under the following topics:
- News
- People
- Appointments
- Events
- Regional Botanical Societies
- University Departments
- Other botanical research establishments
- Notes and reports
- Current research
- New plant records
- Fieldwork
- Phenology
- Short articles
- Announcements
- Desiderata
- Forthcoming meetings and conferences
- Meeting/conference reviews
- Theses in botanical science
- Book reviews
- Letters to the editor
Each cover features a different plant portrait.
email our editor if you have contributions for our newsletter.
- Jill Rapson for preparing the spreadsheet upon which the newsletter index is based.
- The former TFBIS Programme for funding the scanning and digitisation of hardcopies from Number 1 (August 1985) to Number 86 (December 2006). From Number 87 (March 2007) the newsletters are directly uploaded as PDFs.
We wish to thank: